What are the methods of Lean production management?

Lean production management is an enterprise production management mode through the reform of system structure, organization management, operation mode and market supply and demand, so that enterprises can quickly meet the rapid changes in customer demand, and can make all useless and superfluous things in the production link be reduced, and finally achieve the best results in all aspects of production including market supply and marketing.

The Lean Management Institute believes that different from the traditional large-scale production process, the advantages of lean production management are “multi-variety” and “small batch”, and the ultimate goal of lean production management tools is to reduce waste and create maximum value.

Lean production management includes the following 11 methods:

1. Just-in-time production (JIT)

The just-in-time production method originated from Toyota Motor Company in Japan, and its basic idea is; Produce what you need only when you need it and in the amount you need it. The core of this production process is the pursuit of a stock-free operating system, or a system that minimizes inventory.

2. Single piece flow

JIT is the ultimate goal of lean production management, which is achieved by continuously eliminating waste, reducing inventory, reducing defects, reducing manufacturing cycle time and other specific requirements. Single piece flow is one of the key ways to help us achieve this goal.

3. Pull system

The so-called pull production is Kanban management as a means to adopt; Taking material is based on the following process; The market needs to produce, and the shortage of products in process of this process takes the same amount of products in process of the previous process, so as to form the pull control system of the whole process, and never produce more than one product. JIT needs to be based on pull production, and pull system operation is a typical feature of lean production management. The lean pursuit of zero inventory is mainly achieved through the operation of the pull system.

4, zero inventory or low inventory

The company’s inventory management is a part of the supply chain, but also the most basic part. As far as the manufacturing industry is concerned, strengthening inventory management can reduce and gradually eliminate the retention time of raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished products, reduce ineffective operations and waiting time, prevent stock shortages, and improve customer satisfaction; Quality, cost, delivery three elements of satisfaction.

5. Visual and 5S management

It is an abbreviation of the five words Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seikeetsu, and Shitsuke, which originated in Japan. 5S is the process and method of creating and maintaining an organized, clean and efficient workplace that can educate, inspire and cultivate well; Human habits, visual management can identify normal and abnormal states in an instant, and can quickly and correctly transmit information.

6. Kanban Management

Kanban is a Japanese term for a label or card that is placed or glued on a container or a batch of parts, or a variety of colored signal lights, television images, etc., on a production line. Kanban can be used as a means to exchange information about production management in the plant. Kanban cards contain a lot of information and can be reused. There are two types of kanban commonly used: production kanban and delivery kanban.

7, Full production maintenance (TPM)

TPM, which started in Japan, is an all-involved way to create well-designed system equipment, improve the utilization rate of existing equipment, achieve safety and high quality, and prevent failures, so that enterprises can achieve cost reduction and overall productivity improvement.

8. Value Stream Map (VSM)

The production link is full of amazing waste phenomenon, value stream map (value stream map) is the basis and key point to implement lean system and eliminate process waste.

9. Balanced design of production line

The unreasonable layout of production lines leads to unnecessary movement of production workers, thus reducing production efficiency; Due to unreasonable movement arrangements and unreasonable process routes, workers pick up or put down workpieces again and again.

10. SMED method

In order to minimize downtime waste, the process of reducing setup time is to gradually eliminate and reduce all non-value-added activities and transform them into non-downtime completed processes. Lean production management is to continuously eliminate waste, reduce inventory, reduce defects, reduce manufacturing cycle time and other specific requirements to achieve, SMED method is one of the key methods to help us achieve this goal.

11. Continuous Improvement (Kaizen)

Kaizen is a Japanese term equivalent to CIP. When you start to accurately identify value, identify the value stream, keep the steps of creating value for a particular product flowing, and get customers to pull value from the business, the magic starts to happen.

Post time: Jan-25-2024